Terms and condition
1. Appointment Scheduling and Cancellation:
- Appointments are to be scheduled in advance and may be subject to availability.
- Patients must provide notice within a specified timeframe of 48 hours for appointment cancellations or rescheduling.
2. Confidentiality and Privacy:
- All patient information and discussions during sessions will remain strictly confidential, except in cases where mandatory reporting or legal obligations require disclosure.
- Patient privacy and confidentiality will be maintained in accordance with applicable laws and ethical guidelines.
3. Payment and Fees:
- Patients are responsible for payment of services, which may include consultation fees, assessments, and any other relevant charges.
- Accepted payment methods and fees should be clearly outlined in advance.
4. Insurance and Billing:
- Patients are responsible for understanding their insurance coverage and providing accurate insurance information.
- Any applicable copayments or deductibles are due at the time of the appointment.
5. Code of Conduct:
- Patients are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and appropriately during appointments, showing consideration for clinic staff and other patients.
- Any threatening, abusive, or disruptive behavior may result in termination of services.
6. Medication Management:
- Medications may be prescribed as part of the treatment plan, and patients are expected to follow prescribed dosages and schedules.
- Reporting any side effects, concerns, or changes in response to medication is essential.
7. Emergency Situations:
- In case of an emergency or urgent situation, patients should call emergency services or seek immediate medical attention.
- The clinic should be notified of any emergency situations and subsequent actions.
8. Termination of Services:
- Either party (patient or clinic) has the right to terminate the therapeutic relationship with reasonable notice and consideration of the patient’s well-being.
- A termination process should be clearly defined, which may involve referral to another healthcare provider.
9. Complaints and Feedback:
- Patients are encouraged to communicate any concerns, complaints, or feedback regarding their experience at the clinic, and the clinic will address them in a timely and appropriate manner.
10. Legal and Ethical Compliance:
- The clinic will operate in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards governing the practice of psychiatry.
It’s important for both the clinic and patients to understand and agree to these terms and conditions, as they serve as a foundation for a respectful and effective therapeutic relationship. Patients should have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification regarding any aspect of the terms and conditions before initiating treatment.

If you’re in emotional distress, text HOME to connect with a counselor immediately.

Call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for 24/7 emotional support.

If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local ER.